I've been posting lately several articles that are very informative that arose out of statistical analysis of pet insurance claims. Today's article has to do with claims for foreign body ingestion. It is amazing what pets can and will swallow. There have actually been contests in veterinary journals where veterinarians send in x-rays of some unbelievable things that pets have ingested.
This should serve as a reminder and warning to do your part to prevent your pet from swallowing something that could cause you to make a costly visit to your veterinarian or local emergency clinic. Even then, accidents can still happen. I find that pet owners sometimes don't seem too concerned, when they should be, when their pet swallows something - especially things like human medications. Sometimes they actually give it to their pet thinking if it's good for them, then it ought to help their pet also! We must remember that every species metabolizes medications differently and what is a wonder drug for one may be fatal in another.