There is a wealth of information to teach you about pet health insurance on company websites. However, when a company starts comparing itself to other companies - be careful. Remember, each company is trying to put its best foot forward to the pet owner via their website.
Because companies tend to tweak their policies from time to time (several have already in 2009) and even raise or lower premiums slightly, some of the information used in comparisons may be outdated. This can lead to inaccuracies that can mislead pet owners. Always verify what one company claims about another company by visiting the other company's website and even talking with a company representative. This is one thing you will see me say over and over - do your own research.
For example, I found a chart on one company website this week that compared their company to several of their competitors. They compared the premium for their policy with a $500 deductible to another company's premium for a $75 deductible policy. Of course, the policy with the higher deductible will almost always have the lower premium. When this chart was originally published on their website, the competing company didn't offer a policy with a $500 deductible, but it recently started offering a policy that has a $500 deductible which would be the better comparison.
Just make sure when a company starts comparing itself to the competition that they are comparing apples to apples and what they are saying is up-to-date. Have a discerning eye and be wise. Proverbs 18:17 says:
"The person who tells one side of a story seems right, until someone else comes and asks questions."