I recently discovered perhaps the only alternative to pet insurance that I think I can get behind. Why?
It is based on a model similar to Medishare - an alternative to human health insurance. I have family members and friends who use Medishare and it has proven useful to help them with their medical bills. It is generally much less expensive than human health insurance.
From what I know at this time, it appears that Eusoh is generally less expensive than pet insurance.
I am planning a podcast interview with representatives of Eusoh soon to get more details. From a veterinarian's perspective, I can see some areas where the process might be improved and it looks like the company is open to ideas to improving their product.
Here is a page (affiliate link - see full disclosure here) on their website that explains how it works. If you decide to sign up, you will get the first 2 months subscription free.
Listen to my interview with Allen Kamrava, the Founder and CEO of Eusoh - Part 1 and Part 2.