The field of alternative/rehabilitation therapy in veterinary medicine is evolving. Veterinarians now have an option to specialize in this field. Consequently, more and more pet insurance companies are covering alternative/rehabilation therapy. I believe this is an important coverage to include in your pet insurance policy.
Some companies broadly define alternative/rehabilitative therapy as "treatment that does not generally fall within the realm of conventional veterinary medicine as used by the American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians (AARV)." 1
Other companies may limit which of these therapies will be covered. Look at a sample policy to determine exactly what alternative/rehabilitation treatments a company will cover.
There may also be a dollar limit per policy term for these services and/or limits on the length of time such treatments may be covered or the number of treatments allowed similar to human healthcare.
Watch this brief video clip from an interview with the Claims Director at Embrace, Jenna Mahan, as an example of what to look for in a sample policy:
1 Spot Pet Insurance sample policy